AppShed Academy is a free learning centre for all AppShed registered users. It contains an extensive range of courses for all user levels, from beginner to advanced app builders.
AppShed Basics Course
Build and publish your first app in under an hour. Learn all the basic features of AppShed using this simple, step-by-step guide.
Popular Courses
GPS app
Duration: 6 weeks
This course will show you how you to create your own GPS app using the Events to aid in navigation.
True/False Quiz
Duration: 6 hour
Learn how to create your own True or False Quiz game.
Google Docs
Duration: 30 minutes
Learn how to link your apps to Google Sheets.
Course Categories
Find the right course for your needs.
Learn AppShed
Interactive learning resources to help you create the best app for your needs.
Perfect for teachers and educators. Create more advanced apps with these features.
Help Centre
Do you need some help with your app building? See if your question has already been answered in our Help Centre or post a new question to our Support Team.
Developer Docs
To help you extend the functionality of your apps, this section covers advanced topics such as JavaScript coding, PHP Remote Screens and API Integration.
Create your own courses!
Schools using AppShed through an EDU Account can create courses that will appear inside the AppShed Academy. These courses can be for restricted viewing or shared with other school accounts.
We love using AppShed to inspire girls into tech.
They reach their 'Aha' moment very quickly and are instantly hooked.